really need some other girls opinions!

Kathryn • 👶🏽💍👰🏻🤵🏻🌈
Okay so I'm in my third trimester and only have till October 31 at he most left to be pregnant. I just recently left my baby's father because he is a struggling drug addict and he has been doing so well for a year now and was trying very hard once we found out I was pregnant. We recently he relapsed for like a month and I didn't know till I found the drugs in my house 😭 I left the next day and moved back in with my parents, but since I've been with him he has struggled with depression from trying to get off drugs and at times he has done some hurtful stuff to me, I realize that people are sick and depressed that have that lifestyle because everyday is a struggle. But I have tried every possible way to make things work and to have a happy family for my son. He says he's clean now and I can tell he is doing better since I left but my mom is hell bent on telling me to stay away from him and to not even let him see the baby. I can't be like that and I really love him and want to be with him but she says I'll be a bad mother if I do, and that she won't talk to me if I do. I hate being in this position and I don't know whether to follow my heart or my mothers wisdom. I know she means well because she's worried for my son and I am too that's why I left but if he is clean and doing better than I think she should respect my wishes and not completely disappear out of my life but am I wrong for feeling that way? Sorry this is so long btw