Getting very frustrated and impatient ??

So my period was due Dec. 20 and I said I would give it til Dec. 22, due to sometimes it can be off by two days. Well both days has come and gone and still nothing. Took two test Sat. And yesterday and both negative. I been feeling terrible and normally my period comes on, I been having headaches, super tired, lower stomach been sore, can't no longer sleep on stomach( just how it was when I was pregnant with Son) nausea when I wake up and dizzy spells. All of these symptoms and still no bfp. I never been like this only time when I was pregnant, so idk. So I guess imma wait til Friday to test and if still nothing I guess I'll just wait some more and go to my Gynecologist and take a blood test, but I'm hoping Friday I'll get my BFP. It is starting to work my nerves alil. Just praying and hoping lots if baby dust. If not I just hope AF shows don't want to go back down the irregular cycle path, no no no. Well ladies my Lil rant is over, just wish me luck. ???????