I'm getting tooooooo old for this😫😫

Keeli • Christian❤️wifey❤️mama❤️hairstylist❤️tattooed lady
Ladies!!! I'm having an AWFUL weekend with aches and pains😫I'm currently pregnant with no. 3 (first girl) I delivered my second son prematurely so they have had me on progesterone since week 16. I'm currently 33+4. For two days straight I've been dealing with awful back pain, menstrual like cramping (consistent), lightening pain in my vag, yesterday I had the worst diahrea in the morning, and my hips feel like they are being pulled out of socket and sore😥 I've had BH but nothing timetable or consistent. I keep going back and forth on if I should get checked or not. I don't want to look silly. Last week my dr did an abdominal check and he said I was "very soft" and "almost 1CM dilated, even with regular progesterone". If it was y'all what would you do?? I think I have PTSD from having a previous preemie
By the way I'll be 30 in 5 weeks so I'm not "that" old lol