pregnancy scares me

Been talking with my person about sex since I've gotten to the point where I'm comfortable enough to really start considering it, but before anything happens I want to be on birth control. I'm paranoid of pregnancy and it's the last thing I want ever. I'd get my tubes tied if I could afford it. 
I've spent most of today reading through the different contraceptives and I'm very nervous to get into any of them to be honest. I don't want symptoms to mess with my body and my mum has never been very open to the idea of birth control. The side effects worry me. 
I'm not great at remembering pills. IUDs sound incredibly invasive. I don't like tampons so I'm not sure how an IUD would go. I'm drawn towards the shot and the implant especially, but it sounds like the implant is a lot of bleeding for some. 
I've talked to friends and some are saying just go for what you feel is best and some are saying start with the pill. I suppose I won't know until I talk to my doctor. 
Just wondering what insight I can get from here.