
I need help. Please no rude comments. I've wanted a baby for so long and been trying for 3 months. A close family friend just had her second baby a few days ago. I love this kid so much already, but I couldn't hold her for the longest time because I was just so jealous. I finally held her last night without any trouble, and I held her today too (the parents even let me change her diaper! I've never changed a newborn before. I was so worried I would hurt the umbilical stump). I'm doing better, but I still tear up when I see my husband holding her, and I cry when my mom holds her because she just has this look of pure love and she wants to be a grandma and I want her to look at our baby like that.
I'm just so jealous that I don't have that. Both the babies parents know that we want one, and they found out today that we've been trying (the dad jokes that he could teach my husband how to make one and I was getting irritated and said "we know how. We're working on it.") so they aren't offended by how I've been acting (hesitant to hold the baby, walking out of the hospital room randomly when I can't keep calm)
I'm sorry that was so long. But please help me with my jealousy. How do I stop crying every time I see my mom look at this baby? I just want my own so bad...