TTC and feeling jealous, yet remorseful

So I feel absolutely awful for being jealous that a coworker is having a baby!
 She was pregnant in June and had the tragedy of losing her baby due to some of her own actions at the time... I couldn't imagine the pain of that. But it didn't seem to bother her as much as I would have thought? I COMPLETELY understand just because I didn't see her pain doesn't mean it was not there. But now not even 3 months later, I found out she is 2 months pregnant. And I am envious..? Has anyone else felt this way? I truly don't want to feel this way but I can't shake this feeling of jealousy! I have been tracking, charting and trying for 6 months to conceive and I'm becoming discouraged and emotional when I know I shouldn't be. I can't seem to help it and I'm starting to become frustrated at myself for feeling this way towards her! Which I know isn't helping my stress to begin with... any advice?