you never think it could happen to you

Nicole • 27 ❤️ Milwaukee born and raised 🐄🧀🍻
So today I was working the brunch shift in the lobby bar of a very well known hotel in Milwaukee as I have a million times before. It's connected to a breakfast cafe for reference. So we're just going about our day when I hear a lady start screaming about "YOU PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO KILL ME!!" And causing a commotion. I looked up and saw her and a mob of guests start running down the hall away from her as she was fishing for something in her jacket. The bartender and I took our guests through the back into the cafe and into the cage kitchen into the basement. I wasn't sticking around to see if she had a gun to open fire. Apparently someone tackled her and a gun fell out of her jacket and slid and someone picked it up and cops were there in minutes and she was taken away. You never think something like that could happen to you. Not where I work no one would ever come here. It's a scary thought. This lady was clearly mentally ill. There needs to be a better system to get guns and better mental health care. Luckily in my situation no one was hurt but who knows what could have happened?