feeling discouraged

My daughter is 2 weeks old today &I we have been EBF. When my milk came in noticed she would cough/choke a lot during her feedings, her ped told me to hand express or pump for a minute to get through my let down and see if that worked. It didn't. Since then she has projectile vomited twice with some coming out of her nose and the choking/coughing continues... which scares me to death because my 1st born had issues with drinking when he was first born. Either way I noticed today after I fed bf her with two sessions that her diapers were bearly went... I feel like I'm loosing my milk supply. My breast feel different since 3 am this morning and I don't know what to do 😞 so I gave her a bottle of 3oz a bit ago luckily I had that pumped already and I just pumped for 25 minutes only getting 2oz total. I literally don't know what to do or what to feel. Our latch has changed completely since Thursday morning ... I seriously feel so stressed that I won't have any milk to continue to feed her