The first time I had sex

So I thought that I should tell everyone because...well, everyone has that awkward first moment in their life, but to me, I felt like mine was really awkward.

I was a freshman in high school and he was a sophomore. We began dating in late November and the first time that I had ever had my first kiss was probably a few weeks after we were dating. So yes we tried some new things (I was 16 and sooooo unexperienced that I was like...what the hell, why not). He wanted to suck on my tits and I thought that was the weirdest thing ever! I agreed to letting him do it and in all honesty, I just kept thinking that his mom would barge in his room because she was doing laundry across the hall. But so I didn't know what to expect and I just kinda let him do his thing. I was not turned on at all, but just kinda let the night drift away. That's when he told me he wanted to finger me and I was like....whatttttt.....I just didn't want him to because I am very grossed out by the little things and I'm like "aren't you gonna get your fingers dirty...." (but omg, bless my 16 year old virgin little ass). I kept saying that maybe it's not a good idea and that we shouldn't do that because I was extremely nervous. This was my first time ever and so was his to even just feel around! Luckily, he knew what he was doing because he watched porn a lot😂. So we played around for the next few months...I told him that I wanted to be together for a least a year until we could have sex. Of course, that didn't happen and we ended up waiting for about 6 months. He had a blue flavored condom that he had been given to by one of his friends for his birthday as a joke, but we ended up using it. I remember that he first put it on the wrong way and then put it on the right way. I kinda just sat there really awkward like "that blue thing is gonna go in" of course I didn't say that out loud, I just kept telling him that this is really scary for me and that I didn't know if I could do this. I'm pretty sure that we ended up arguing and talking about doing it or not for a good 25 minutes. We ended up doing it with me on top and I let him do it for 5 minutes tops!!! I was scared of having a hole in the condom and getting pregnant and so many more things. He ended up finishing himself off and I pretended that I liked it even though I just kept thinking in the back of my head that his mom or someone would come in his room. His bed did kind've have a shaky squeak to it so when you move the slightest bit, it just is so loud (at least to me it was). But yes. That's my first sex story along with some awkward moments and me being super cringey thinking back to those days...