I feel like the worlds most terrible mother😢😢

I'm a ftm to a 3week 6days old baby. Well just a few hours ago my baby fell and I cant seem to get my heart out my chest. My baby have been constipated for a few days and I have been doing the usual routines but he's sometimes fussy at night. So tonight he wanted to be held and I was exhausted so I feel asleep with him on my chest, and he rolls over and off the bed.( my bed is not high up, and we have carpet). I wake up when I felt him roll and my husband jumped out of the bed right after me. When I picked my lo up and comforted him he stopped crying. I checked his body and I'm watching for any changes like the er said. Of course I'm crying like a baby and actually tearing up as I'm writing this. I feel so awful and my heart really hurts. My husband said just don't sleep with him on my chest but I didn't drop him he seriously just rolled over. I know I might get some backlash about this and that's fine. Have any of you ladies baby ever fell? What was the outcome and what did you have to look for?