Always Hungry!

Kendra • Find your own happiness. Don't do what others expect of you. ~Baby Dust~
I've been trying to conceive for about two weeks now so I don't think I could be pregnant. But recently, for the last two days, I've been ravenously hungry. I mean really hungry nonstop. I will eat a decent meal filled with proteins healthy fats and the proper amount of carbs and veggies. Then 10 minutes later I'm ravenously hungry. I drink plenty of fluids and I eat very slowly so I know that's not it. I have eaten five times today and am still starving. It's only getting worse. I ate an hour ago and am already hungry. It's getting so bad it keeps waking me up and I'm just wanting everything. This morning I was really sick with crippling stomach aches and slept it off and the day before I was starving like I am now. Idk whats going on with me can anybody tell me?