cervadil round 2 🙄

Marisa • Momma to Rowan Maverick born 10-5-16 & Rhen Mason 11-28-18 💙
So, I had cervadil put in last night to start my induction process. My cervix was still pretty high, closed, and hard last night.  They left it in over night 12 hrs and checked me this morning. I started having small contractions in the night, still having them now. But they basically feel like period cramps at the moment. After the doctor checked me my cervix had softened and barely barely opened... So my doctor decided it was best to do another cervadil rather than start pitocin. So, they're hoping this will dilate me a cm or two before they start pitocin. This is such a long tiring process! Been here since 4 yesterday and I have to have this cervadil in until at least 8 tonight.Â