potty help

My son will be three in December. So we have been potty training the last few weeks. He was doing great the first week. Then my husband came home from a work trip and my son had a pee accident and my husband said "go put a pull up on only big boys who don't pee their under pants get to wear them" 😤 I was so mad at him. I never say that to my son he's still learning. Even after just that one week he was doing great. Now my son refuses to wear under wear and will only wear pulls up. He found my hidden stash of diapers and ask to wear them and cries til he has me put them on. I've tried to put him back in under wear and bribe him even and it's a no go. He will still use his potty but he says he forgets a lot even when I ask if he has to go. I'm so mad at my husband he ruined all my progress and idk how to start over. Anyone have any tips?