Does late cycle ovulation delay AF start date?

Leah • I'm 29 and got married in August 2015. My husband and I are TTC our first child.
So, this is my first full month charting on Glow, and I get AF every 28 days like clockwork. I figured I ovulated around the 14th day of my cycle, but I just hit day 17 and got a positive ovulation test, meaning I'll ovulate on day 18. Because of this, Glow keeps pushing back my fertile window, which makes sense, but it also keeps pushing back my AF start date, now to the point that I'd have a 31 day cycle, which would be totally unusual for me. I'd see my first day of missed period as the 29th day, since I always get AF on day 28, but according to Glow, I won't be late until about 4 days later. Is this actually correct? Does ovulating later in your cycle actually delay AF? Seems wrong to me. Thanks!!

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