Back to work anxiety

cassafrass • .
So I'm planning on going back to work this coming weekend after having my baby on 8/31. I need the money so staying home isn't an option but I'm having a lot of anxiety just thinking about going back to work. I'm worried my milk supply will decrease, that my little one will get accustomed to bottle feeding and not want to nurse, that he won't get the attention he needs and just overall missing out on spending time with him. It's stupid but I worry that his dad doesn't know how to take care of him and won't give him the attention he needs...which is a bit irrational because he has 2 other kids so he knows how to care for them. Since he's been born my SO hasn't changed a single diaper, given any baths, and he's fed him twice while I was away and didn't do the paced bottle feeding I showed hinlm. When my son cries he doesn't pick him up, he says "it's good for him to strengthen his lungs and clear them out". During the night I'm the one who wakes up with him and cuddles him back to sleep. My SO also has a short temper...I just don't want my baby to be ignored or yelled at. 😢 I've been the one doing it all for the past almost 5 weeks...I'm just having a hard time thinking about somebody else caring for him even if it is dad.