Postpartum spotting off and on..normal??

Shampree • Mom of 1 daughter and 1 son! Angel mommy of 1 💙

I just gave birth 6weeks ago and I've been exclusively breastfeeding this whole time. I stopped bleeding at 2weeks and have just been having clear discharge off and on since the bleeding stopped. Well the past 2days i had red spotting and thought i was about to have my 1st period since having the baby. I put on a liner and then the spotting stopped. Yesterday, when i went to the bathroom and wiped it was bright red. I put a pad on but it barely filled up before the red spotting tapered off. And today I had no spotting whatsoever. I don't know what's up with my body.

*i have not had sex..

I don't have my postpartum appointment for another 2weeks since my other one from last week got cancelled due to long wait times at the Dr office..(my appointment was at 11am and at 12:30 i was told that the wait was gonna be another hour maybe two because they were i had to push my appointment to another day)