My tone rant 🙄

So it was raining this morning and I got up at 7:30 to wash my hair/shower and get ready for the day.
 I have my breakfast and just waiting for time to pass so I can head out to class. 
I remember I have brownie dough so I start to eat it. 
Hubs comes down to have breakfast at 9ish but stoped to turn the heater on. 
As he approaches the kitchen I say " the window upstairs in the hallway is open" and he goes "ok alright goodmoring to you too" then starts talking about how I should change my tone and he tells me this like once a month but I think it's fine. 
He also said that's not what he wants to hear when he first gets up 🤔 what ? 
He said I should say goodmoring as first thing but when I was getting dressed he stared at me and asked what I was he couldn't tell. 
We are polar opposites. 
Maybe all his past gfs were submissive and talked soft and girly but I don't. Why would I ? 
I didn't shout, I didn't scream and I didn't have an attitude ! I was pretty nonchalant eating my dough.
He said I said it like " the window is open you stupid mother fucker" ummm you opened the window days ago and left it open ! 
I could have said it that way but I didn't really care. 
He got in my face and yelled at me hard about how I'll have problems in life it I don't change my tone. 
But I'm like so I shouldn't tell you the window is open to avoid the waste of heat that he so obviously needs. 
Umm maybe in French (he's immigrating from France) culture everyone's all soft and delicate but as an African in America our tone can change and it makes no difference in the communication. 
For instance I told my African roommate "Put your dishes in the sink so I can start it" after we 3 had dinner together and she did and did not whine or dispute. But he said I was being rude. 
Idk what to do, our cultures clash too much and the next time he yells in my face( not often but happened a few times) I may lose my shit and punch him in the throat. 
Never in my life have I let anyone disrespect me in such a way and get away with it. 
And no, he never apologizes. And it's always the dumbest things like this 🙄 
Edit : 1 - I didn't realize I put goodmoring instead of goodmorning- I typed too fast and auto correct didn't pop up! Lol 
  2 - I didn't order or ask him to close the window. It just makes sense to close all windows if you're gonna turn on the heater. I simply told him it was open. Because you know, the house won't get warm if the window is open and it's raining.Â