I wish

I wish God would give me the emitional strength to leave my abusive husband.. he was not like this when we met or while we dated.. 3 months in to marriage and his dark side came out.. everytime I pick myself up he knocks me down again, can't have a job but I am a lazy bitch who is mooching off of him, he is my gravy train and I'm ungrateful.. he wishes that he could get rid of me.!! My family cut me off about 6 months after we married, said they couldn't take him anymore. He turns his love off like a faucet.. he has slowly been killing me.. I wish I could end this but I've become so dependant on him for almost everything. I don't know how to detach myself. (There are also children involved, but he is amazing with them, it's very strange how he hates me but loves them soo much) I'm more then sure they are the reason I can't just pack and leave, they would be so miserable, not to mention that they would be deprived of lots of things for a while (I also do NOT want to traumatize them). He has more money then I and he could very easily take them from me..!! I keep praying but I am not recieving any answers. I miss the loving caring person he was while dating. I know that part of him is gone and now instead of a loving embace I am met with anger and hostility... I never thought in a million years that I would be in this position. Never thought I would be a weak soul, to afraid to let go and move on without fear of losing everything... it's never been about me just my children, I have to remember that... I need to suck up theses tears and keep going...