Burned Out

Anyone else feel completely burned out? I stay at home with my son and even though I want to be there with him, I feel like I never get a break. Most days I don't even leave the house because we only have one car and SO is at work. I feel so lonely. And now it's even worse because my SO took a job where he works 4pm-4am, so he comes home, sleeps and goes straight back to work (work is almost an hour away).
And now my son is cutting teeth so all he does is cry. The only downtime I get is when he's sleeping and he hardly naps anymore and fights sleep so bad lately that sometimes I can't get him down until 1am or later. My whole day revolves around trying to make him comfortable, failing, walking away for a few minutes when I get overwhelmed and starting the process over again. I just feel so frustrated. I'm extremely depressed. My SO works hard and makes good money for our family and I appreciate it, don't get me wrong. And I love my son more than anything in the world so I feel guilty that I even want a break from him :/
When my SO is home on weekends the only way I can get time to myself is if I physically leave the house because if not, he'll say he's going to keep an eye on our son but then it'll just fall back on me because he can't seem to handle it. All I want to do is sit down and read a book for an hour uninterrupted, I don't need to go to my friends or anything, I just need a moment to myself.
I even got a job for a little bit to get away but my pay was so low it wasn't really worth it and we were cutting it close with our work times.
I know that it will eventually be better, but I just need some advice on how to get through this for now without losing my mind.