she finally decided to come on her own... 10 days late.

I was induced with my first two and had an epidural with both. This time around I didn't want to be induced or have an epidural. My due date came and went and I became discouraged as the dr had me schedule an induction at 41+1. I was set to arrive at the hospital at 5:00pm Wednesday 9/28. Hubby and I left the dr and I went home and bounced on the ball. Mild contractions began that night around 9:30. These contractions continued throughout the night and all day Tuesday. I was able to breath walk and talk through them fine but they started to get closer together so I was hoping she would still come on her own. Around 8:00 Tuesday night they began to gradually intensify. I didn't get much sleep as I woke up with each contraction and tracked it with my phone. They began to get closer, more consistent, and intense. I was breathing through them best I could.  Every couple of contractions I would have to pee. The most comfortable position for me was to sit. At about 1:45am I woke up hubby and said it was time to go. Contractions were about three minutes apart and the hospital was 15 minutes away. Sitting was no longer comfortable and I was feeling nauseous. My husband was really trying to drive safely for me but now I just wanted to get there. He was driving 5 mph under, but I didn't want to say anything but in my head I was like wtf lets get there. I had four contractions on the way there and one as we arrived. As it passed I got out and vomitted in the parking lot. My husband was going to get me a wheel chair but I thought I could walk to the door. It was longer than I thought it was and had to stop and lean against a column during a contraction. Another came on as I sat in the chair to be admitted. It was 2:15 am.
 I was in pain and almost felt as though I had to push. My husband had to sign my paperwork for me as I went through another contraction. They happened to be short staffed that night and it was a struggle to get a nurse to come down and get me. We finally got one and they wheeled me in. A nurse asked me to get a gown on and I told her I don't think I can, I feel like I need to push right now. She said ok just take your pants off and lay down. I began pushing and grunting loudly. The nurses were still trying to prep everything and we're trying to get me to stop pushing but it was the only way to get through the contractions. They kept telling me to take deep breaths but that was easier said than done. I payed there on the bed pushing with my shirt and bra still on. One nurse trying to hook me up to an iv the other getting the monitor on me. The nurse failed at the iv and another nurse came in to try. The dr got there and told her don't worry about it we don't have time. Just as she got it in. The dr gave me permission to push (as if I wasn't trying already). I felt like I could breath once the dr got there. I pushed through four contractions (about 3-4 pushes each) and my sweet baby girl was in this world. There was burning while she was crowning and coming out. I ended up with a one degree tear because her arm was up by her head. My 8 lbs 12oz baby girl was born at 2:53 am on 9/28/16 medication free. My goal was to labor as much as possible at home and have a med free delivery. I succeeded and am so happy I experienced it.