So happy with how my peanut's birthday went🎉👏🏼 My water broke early Saturday morning, no contraction...

So happy with how my peanut's birthday went🎉👏🏼 My water broke early Saturday morning, no contractions following.  I got admitted, monitored and checked to see how much dialated I was. I was still at 1cm and cervix was hard. They inserted a pill (sorry forgot the name) that made my cervix soft. And then at 4pm they started the Pitocin to start contractions, checking me afterwards I was 2cm. The contractions were very consistent and getting stronger. I went in thinking maybe I'll get an epidural or I will just use the IV pain med. But I just kept focus and walked all around. Around 8:15 I decided ok I think I can use some in pain meds. The Dr checked me at 8:30pm and said I was at 8cm and if I take the IV pain med the medication will go to the baby if I were to push soon. So I decided to just keep going and push since I was dialating fast...pushed for 28 min and my lil peanut was born. 
This labor was so much fast than my first son. It's amazing how much we women can go through for our lil miracles❤️👣 He was 7 lbs 5 oz & 20 inches. Feeling so blesssd with both my boys at home.