Having a tough time..

I'm a stay at home FTM. 
My husband had some time off from work but has recently gone back and now I've been having a tough time with our 6 week old. 
I feel like I can't get anything done. Our baby will only sleep if I'm holding him or if he's laying on my chest. As soon as I put him down he starts squirming around until he wakes up or startles and wakes up screaming/crying so I have to rock him to sleep again. I've tried swings and rockers none have worked. He'll stay in them for a bit and then move around and start crying/screaming. I can't get much sleep since he's always on me or I'm carrying him when he's sleeping.. I can barely go to the bathroom/eat. I have no time for myself or to do much around the house..my husband comes home from work and tries to help but I feel bad sometimes because he works and is also tired.. idk what to do..I just want a day to myself to get things done and get some sleep! 😔😔😔😔😔😔