Finn Elliot is here!

On Saturday, October 1st, I was 40+1. I woke up at 1:50 am with very mild, inconsistant contractions. They were stronger than what I had been having and causing some uncomfortable back pain so I decided to take a hot shower and told myself if the shower made them worse I would time them and if not I would get some sleep and hopefully they would pick up. After my shower they didn't go away but they weren't very strong anymore so I went back to sleep. I woke up again at 6:20 am and they were very strong and moderately painful so I started timing them and they were around 45-50 seconds long and 2.5 minutes apart. I still wasn't convinced I was in labor so I continued to time them for 45 minutes. During those 45 minutes they got even worse and I decided it was time to make the 45 minute trip to the hospital. I wanted to shower before we left to hopefully get some back pain relief. My husband asked me if I wanted him to get our older son up and bring him over to our friend/neighbors house and that's when it hit me he wasn't going to be our only baby anymore so I started bawling. That made my contractions even worse and I began violently shaking through them. My husband rushed around getting our son and his things together and my mom packed the car. We left for the hospital at 7:40 and my husband did 80 all the way there. Halfway there I felt like I needed to push and was trying so hard not to but it felt so good to do it so I did my best to blow through the contractions. When we got to the hospital I was rushed to L&D and was brought to a room right away. The nurses were trying to get me to lay down so they could check me and put Finn on the monitor but the thought of laying on my back made me want to die lol I sat on the edge of the bed and tried really hard not to push but my body took over and did it anyway. I laid down so the nurse could check me to tell my doctor how far along I was. I was only at 7 cm but was 100% effaced and Finn was at 0 station. I really felt like pushing though so I did some breathing to help with the urge. Another 5-10 minutes later and I NEEDED to push so my nurse told me to go ahead, we wouldn't wait for my doctor anymore. I pushed once and the my doctor got there with enough time to throw on some gloves and one more push and he was out! My doctor called him the rocket baby lol Finn was born at 8:45 am and weighed 8 lbs 15 oz and was 21.5 inches long! I had no tearing and was feeling 100% normal an hour after birth! So happy our little Chunk is finally here!