Trigger Post

Really I don't know what to say at this point. My heart breaks. No mother should ever have to bury her baby 😔 Here's the story... Oct 2nd water broke at 2am ( 36w ) , 3 epidurals later and fully 10cm it is now 12 Oct 3rd. Finally started pushing, 2 hours later no baby, so they decided to suction her out, 30 minutes later no progress, she was stuck in the birth canal. Emergency C-section. I could feel them cutting into me, I kept screaming, only to be told it was normal. In the process of cutting me, they cut the cord. She was born inside my uterus because THEY messed up! When they finally got her out, she wasn't breathing, she was BLUE. They tried to revive her. Tent wouldn't tell me anything, they just got very quiet.
This way my rainbow baby... Now she's in heaven 👼🏼