MIL help!

Anyone that lived with their inlaws prior to baby being born and once baby was born, their relationship got a lot worst with their MIL? What did you do? If you moved out, did that help the situation a lot? I have a MIL that doesn't respect me as a person, and especially doesn't respect me as a mother. We let her babysit pretty regularly but there have been instances that she has blatantly ignored my instructions. This makes me question the safety of my child when I'm not there, especially because the last instance involved her holding the baby out close to her dog (that attacks for no reason without warning) and when I told her not to do that she pulled the baby back a couple inches but continued to hold her out close to the dog. This is putting a big strain on the relationship between me and my husband which kills me. I've tried talking to her, setting clear boundaries and expectations but she just ignores them. My husband thinks it's both our faults and that I'm not doing enough to work on the relationship, but I just don't know what else I can do if she's going to ignore me. We're moving out by the end of the week so I'm hoping this will help things but I just don't know. Any advice or experience would be greatly appreciated! Pic of my LO for attention :)