BC Babies

Hear me out before you call me paranoid lol. The last time I had sex was Sept. 24th. My period is due Oct. 17th (way too early I know). It was also protected. We used a condom and I'm on the pill but I recently switched the bc I take. I'm having some weird kind of light cramping pains and I literally cried this morning because I was cold. I've just been a freakish amount of emotional lately. Plus I've had a lot of like wet cm (sorry tmi). It was so bad the other day I thought I peed myself lol. Speaking of peeing, I'm talking 3 times within 30 minutes earlier today.

It sounds like I'm just thinking about it and "diagnosing myself" but I honestly feel off. And we aren't trying so I'm not looking for the symptoms. I know condoms aren't 100% and there could've been a small tear we didn't see (TMI BUT I struggle getting wet sometimes during sex so I'm always afraid it's causing friction with the latex) and since my pill is different idk if that affects my fertility at all.

I guess what I'm asking is has anyone ever experienced this? Or gotten pregnant while using some form of bc the correct way? Thank you!