Overwhelmed and venting

Just Overwhelmed with emotion 
I share thi story here cause it is the only forum I feel completely safe. 
This pregnancy has been an emotional roller coaster. At 26 I never imagined being single and pregnant with my first child. Even more so I never thought I would be unsure who fathered my son. After being faithful to a man for almost a year with no commitment I decided to explore my freedoms as a single woman. I had one night with my ex no wound up pregnant. Using condom at least times I refused to believe I was pregnant. The doctor had to show me an ultrasound for proof of pregnancy cause I jut couldn't wrap my head around it.
Neither man is here for me during my pregnancy. Which I can't really fault them for. It is lonely and overwhelming at times but I continue to push through. Though I am thankful that I have a wonderful support system in my family, I still can not help but feel lonely. Being my parents first grandchild they're extremely excited. However they treat me as if I can't do anything for myself. Finishing school when I found out I was pregnant I moved back. I keep being told my hormones make me evil, but they just don't understand how constantly being treated like a child is frustrating. It's crazy to feel smothered and alone at the same time.
I am not ashamed about my pregnancy or the circumstances that lead to it. I write this post for those single woman and mothers that see stories on here and most times can't identify. Things maybe harder but don't be ashamed. Don't feel like you can't talk about your experience because it doesn't fit in with everyone else's. I know I will get through this but I can admit I'm struggling.