Beautiful baby Quiyamma has arrived!! πŸŒ»πŸ’›πŸ‘ΆπŸ½

I haven't posted anything on Glow (I perfer to sit back and watch drama unfold rather than be apart of it) but I decided to at least share my birth story since I know how much I craved them as I approached my due date.Β 
I went to see my doctor Tuesday (my due date was the upcoming Saturday) & left a little excited because he said she was lower than our last appt but he still didn't think I would go into labor until around 41 weeks since she was taking her time dropping. So the next day, Wednesday, I was getting some stuff done around the house, trying to keep busy. I was doing some chores, dancing a little, squatting when needing to pick something up rather than making someone else get it for me. I mean, I was just telling myself I need to move as much as possible to get this baby out. I had no signs of going into labor, no loss of mucus plug, no painful contractions (uncomfortable but not painful), not fully dropped, nada! So, I was doing the dishes & I felt a very strong but dull numbing back pain & I slowly walk over to the couch to sit down & im telling my mom I felt something really bad & right then and there my water broke!! I immediately run to the bathroom and the rest of the liquid falls in the toilet. I'm in tears at this point because I was terrified & my baby might possibly come! However, I was not sure if it was my waters because there was no blood or mucus plug like stuff and honestly not THAT much liquid (in my mind I imagine a massive waterfall of liquid that soaks you completely)... But then the contractions come..  They are inconsistent but very different from Braxton hicks. So we go into the ER an hour later after constant but low leakage at 8ish pm. They tested me to confirm my water broke and it did, but I was 0 cm dialated :( I couldn't leave since my water broke so I was admitted. My plan was to attempt natural but get me the drugs if I asked. After about 10 hours of the worst pain in my life I asked for an epidural and my contractions were still all over the place so they didn't want to check me unnecessarily due to risk of infection. I had no idea how far along I was and I didn't really care. I was exhausted & I needed relief or I was gonna pass out. After it kicked in, I slept SO GOOD! And my epi was awesome because I could still move my legs and feel pressure but zero pain! And I'll be honest, it wasn't painless when I got it, but it wasn't unbearable either. Totally worth it! After a much needed sleep I woke up had some breakfast (jello and juice) and I was feeling AWESOME. I just wanted to hug everybody I was so happy to be having this baby and also very happy to not be in pain anymore. The epi really helped me to enjoy the experience because before it I was a mess. I didn't want to talk to anybody, I didn't want to be touched, it was dark as hell in the room, & it was just very depressing. I can at least say I felt 10 hours of it.. A few hours go by & my contractions are still very sporadic, my doctor is thinking I'll have her later at night but the nurse asked if I wanted to be checked just to see since I hadnt been checked since I was first admitted, she checked.. I was 9cm! I was SO happy & I soon started to feel the urge to push. She checked me about an hour later and her head was right there! I could see it! So we did some practice pushes, and the doctor was called. He was close so we pushed her until she was nearly ready for doctor to come on over and catch her on her way out. While were waiting I couldn't really resist the urge & I did little pushes and then next thing you know baby slides out! Our nurse did an excellent job delivering our baby girl! However, baby was having trouble clearing herself out, she was on my chest & trying to cry and breathe but she just couldn't get it out. They took her away and did deep suction on her. That was worst 5mins of my life... I'm probably never gonna talk about it again & repress the memory. I hated it. When she was stable they brought her back to me and we started our skin to skin. It was surreal & I was happy that we didn't have any more complications. Her scores came out 3, 7, 9. Our baby was born Thursday 9/29 at 2:42pm 7lbs 1.6oz 19.5in. Quiyamma Hanna Jungwirth III 😍😍😍