Would you care????

Im a little annoyed. My Mother, Brother and his gf don't like my baby name. We just found out that we're having a boy, which we're all thrilled about, But they don't like his future name. My mother just got quite and said "Oh..that's cute if you like it"... My brother's gf literally said "Well I guess so.. I just don't like saying it or can't see myself calling him that"... Seriously??wtf??...My brother was more so like "what ever", We both normally stick with A names like our own. So he wasn't too interested. I know its up to us, but it has me second guessing myself..

I did get snappy with my brother's gf though.😤

Luckily my hubby isn't too picky😊 it's either he likes it or not and that's about it, which he does so I'm happy. Im mainy hurt because I've been holding on to this name through both my Mc, and now I'm thrilled to be able to keep it. In my opinion I have great name ideas. I've basically named both my nephews and my niece, being as though I thought of the names and told them, which they kept.

So my question is..

Would you care???

What would you say???

Now I see why a lot of people keep their names a secret until they baby's born😕

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