mil rant

Tzvia • Mom. Pregnant with baby #2
So I'm 5 weeks pp after having an all natural vaginal birth and I just want to say that I expected my husbands family that live near us to help out more. I don't have anyone nearby. So my mil never came to help except she did leave us with food but in terms of realizing how much recovery I need that didn't happen. I'm still bleeding and have had mastitis and just stress in general and yet not once was I offered to help us do laundry or vacuum. Instead last night we had them over For dinner and she woke up the baby because she just wanted to hold him and then of course was very upset because it was his sleep time and that upset me. She has no consideration for the fact that I spend 24 hours with a colicky baby that refuses to sleep and so when I do put him down its a miracle.  End rant.