My lil guy born at 37+2 (EDD: 10/24)

🐚Shimmering • Lucian was born 10/5/26 @ 1:29 am!

Lucian Nox Angst was born on 10/05/16 at 1:29am weighing 6.9lbs and stretching out at 19 & 3/4 inches long. My beautiful little guy came out in 3-5 pushes. He is currently working on removing a bit of fluid from his lungs because he won't cry. But I'm strictly breastfeeding so I'm sure after 4hours or so he should be making that hungry cry. He has his daddy's curly brown hair and his nose.

He came out a bit shell shocked but his blood work all came back wonderful. Just waiting for him to cry.

Hubby, myself, and our first, Lucian.

A happy little family.