

Hubby and i have been trying for about 2 1/2 yrs now, we have had two miscarrages before incl one this april.

On the 27/09/16 i found out i was pregnant. The tests were vvvl. I kept testing and they got darker. I had some light pink spotting on Monday 3/10/16 so went to hospital to make sure everything was okay.

After getting blood tests done and 6hrs later the dr told me my hcg was 163 which indicated i was between 4-6w, he said because i didnt have any pain all shoulf be fine and sent me home

I went to the doctor on 29/9/16 day two of positive test he sent me straight to ultrasound which i had on the 5/10/16. I also had more blood tests done as hospital wanted a check up.

I got the test back today, they couldnt see anything in ultrasound which is what we expected but the hcg came back at 40.

Ive had two misscarrages before and this is nothing like last two times. I am only spotting light pink when i wipe, i am having no pain and am still having symptoms.

I am getting another blood done on friday but has anyone else gone through this on first trimester where their levels have dropped but nothing had gone wrong??

I am in dier need of high spirits right now.