Need advice with relations... Long!!

Hey guys I want a bit of advice. 
I've recently got out of a 2 year relationship - all through which I was unsatisfied with the kisses I experienced despite the fact that I loved him, they just didn't make me feel the 'fireworks' that kisses are supposed to provide. Before I entered the relationship, I had a fling with a guy (let's call him jerry) 
Jerry is 10 years older then I am (I'm 20). While I was with jerry I got the fireworks and anticipation feeling when we were together and kissed, etc. the only problem was we broke off the fling and lost contact when I got into another relationship. I really regret breaking ties with him and want to start fresh... I don't have his number but I know where he lives... do you think it would be acceptable to just go knock on his door and say hi? We were very attracted to each other but he was upset when I stopped the fling for the relationship... what do I do???