Feeling depressed

I am currently 38+2 and am due to be induced in 2 days. The reason for this is since 30 weeks I have been in pain every single day as I am having problems with my gallbladder (pregnancy induced) and my liver is enlarged and my bloods are deranged. I have been admitted to hospital numerous times in agony and put off induction as long as I could. I feel extremely guilty bringing my baby girl before I should but I just can't cope anymore. Iv had to finish work earlier than I wanted, I cannot leave the house for long periods and I have a 3 year old who asks me why I'm upset all the time. I feel so depressed.i have lost 10lb in weight as I'm struggling to eat but this past week has been horrendous, everything I eat leaves me in agony and I'm vomiting numerous times a day, I can't stop crying, I just feel so down and am so scared of them cancelling my induction of Friday for some reason. Just felt like I needed to express this somewhere as Im not sure feeling this low is normal or not xx