
Katelynn • 29, married, mom of 2 beautiful baby boys, one is a newborn and the other is 2 years old
I am pregnant with my second baby and I forgot how exhausted I get in the beginning. I get up at about 5:20 for work, and get up my son about 6 to get him ready. My mom watches him while I work. We leave the house by 6:30am. I work all day and am usually home by 5pm. I play with my son, give him a bath, feed him dinner, do our whole night time routine, and put him to bed by 7:15-7:30. I make sure the house is clean, dinner is cleaned up, and lunch is made for the next day. Honestly, last night I could have gone to bed at 7:30 but I pushed myself to watch a little tv because it felt so good to just lay there doing nothing. Asleep by 9. I'm still so tired and nobody can know why I'm so tired because it's way too early to tell. 
Anyone else this exhausted? How are you battling the tired?