Is glow somewhere?????

Okay you know what I have something to say....when did glow turn into a place where people can come on and have twitter fingers??? Is this not a place where women and men come to try to conceive or avoid pregnancy? Or just simply track AF?! There are SO many petty, ridiculous, rude AF, and just plain ole nasty ass people on here. If you have no good feedback or positive shit to say, take ur BS elsewhere. People on here need encouragement, questions answered, and advice! They don't need someone hiding behind a phone pretending to be a thug! So please stop. This shit is ridiculous! Grow up!!!! I just had to get that off my chest! For all you other people on here I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day! And I'm not posting anonymously because I handle myself! So watch what you say! Enjoy your day 🤗😘