spotting 😩

Betty • I study about crime and human behaviour 💁🏻
Hey ladies! Hope your week has been a good one so far :) I've noticed that in my previous cycle and the current one, I've been getting a lot more spotting and blood in my discharge and they're all happening after my period has ended. And I mean like.. a week after my period has ended. Both periods were normal, although I also noticed that they were a day or two longer than usual. I know that getting brownish discharge is normal after period, but I've been getting some pinkish discharge too..? I've also been getting weird-ish cramps that kinda feels like tugging... that's the best way I can describe it. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2012, but a pretty consistent cycle has been established throughout the years. I'm not sure if this is my PCOS acting up again, but has anyone experienced this? Is this something I should be worried about? 😭