insurance rant!

So when I had my first child I qualified for Medi-Cal and paid nothing to have her, even with her stay in NICU! Well flash forward 6 years and I'm pregnant and during these past 6 years my husband got a crazy better job moved us across California and I have insurance through his job. I have my first ultrasound Friday and found it it's gonna cost me $526  (my whole $500 deductible and then some) and that I have an out of pocket of $3,000 😮😮, I'm just now realizing how much it's gonna cost to have this baby and I have some sticker shock!! I honestly thought I had better insurance than that, I figured it would cost some but not that much, it's making me rethink buying a house this year and just start shoving money into savings! I'm definitely not regretting this baby (I have been trying for over 4 years) so I don't need any negative comments, I'm just truly shocked by my insurance totally thought I had an amazing plan lol turns out I don't!!