first midwife app and I'm not a happy girl atall!!!!

Not even going to tell a long story last week I had awful pins in my left side to the point I couldn't stand up or move or breath for that matter! Tried to bring it up today at my booking app with midwife and she couldn't have cared less all I got was it'll be your appendix!!! Witch I replayed that's the other side then she's like your stomach then! I'm sorry but I know where my lady parts are situated and I know this is uterus related!! Then I said it's not my general cramping with everything growing this was rely bad like I'd been stabbed and something was going to pop, and then she's like ohh nothing is growing it's to early for that!!!!! She hadent even asked me how far along I was or anything!!! (I'm 8weeks exactley today) I fell very disappointed as all I wanted from today was reassurance everything was normal and it's ok to fell sharp pains! But now I fell like going to bed and having a cry because I have 4/5 weeks till my first scan and that's just another 4/5 weeks of worrying and stress and hoping baby is in the rite place 😢. Only have more worry ontop as I've now to get extra growth scans now because my CO2 was poor to make sure baby is growing ok 😞. What I thought would be a great day turned out crap!!!!!