Anyone else?

Anna • Had our beautiful miracle June 28th❤️
So I had bloodwork done today to check if I was pregnant. It came back negative 😢 but the nurse who read my results said it still may still be early and if I don't get AF within 10 days to call back to be tested again. 
I don't see how it's too early considering AF is due Saturday for me. However I am not experiencing any of my usual AF symptoms. My cm is creamy which is not normal. I have back pain every once in awhile. I get a random weird feeling through my nipple (sorry for the TMI), I also have been very gassy (again sorry for TMI), I am also cramping on one side and then I'll get one right below my belly button that I've never gotten before, and I am getting dizzy quite a bit. None of this is my usual before AF. 
I don't think I'm pregnant though based on the results. So my question, is has this happened to anyone else and they ended up pregnant it just didn't show up on blood work first time around? I don't want to get my hopes up to be let down.