new to depo, no period.

Lili • Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the light.
So, I started Depo-Provera at the end of July, and I've gone through two cycles since then with no period. I'm on the second one right now, and I'm having pms symptoms. Is it normal to not have a period? I know that you're supposed to spot for the first six months and I haven't even had that. I went from the pill to the ring (with major anxiety problems) and this is just a trial run for this (but it's making my anxiety and depression really bad). I also took plan b at the beginning of the last month because of some prank my friends made, and I've taken 4 pregnancy tests in the past month. It's been probably two or three weeks. But they've still been negative. Any idea what is going on? I could just be looking to far into this, I'm just curious if anyone has experienced the same thing