just wanted to share a story!

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼
Okay so this is about my amazing and strong mother. When she was 21 she found out she was pregnant from a one night stand. She was using the combined pill but no condoms (naughty mummy). As she's from Cornwall (UK) they are very... 'backward' in their ways and that was like getting pregnant at 14 nowerdays. She was the talk of the town and suddenly she was homeless. Don't get me wrong she had a career and was a manager at a shoe shop. She had a good wage coming in but no one could accept how young she was. She decided it was her fuck up and so she would have to live with the consequences. So she got herself a flat, I'll call it a studio but it was more basic than that. The toilet was down the hallway and all that. So she had been to work got home, suddenly needs to go to the toilet. As I said toilet down the hallway, her waters broke. So she ran to the flat laid out towels and gave birth to my sister right on her couch. There were no mobiles and so calling for an ambulance wasn't that simple... she realises she can't access the phone outside the flats and down the road as she's still attached by the chord to my sister. So in her adrenaline fuelled state she boils, yes boils, the scissors in the kettle. Cuts the chord, runs downstairs and phoned her best friend. She got taken to a 'cottage hospital' (smaller than abnormal hospital and mostly ran by nurses, nuns and church people). Try werre so excited as it's the first baby in 65 years to be born not inside the hospital! She immediately had my sister taken away and herself looked at. Suddenly loads of people came in trying to get my mum to give her away. She obviously said no and took her baby girl home. 
I honestly don't know how or what gave her that strength but she's amazing to me. I hope you enjoyed reading :) xxx