Feel like my health care providers don't care

I am pissed with the way I've been treated so far! I'm so sick of it I'm about to say fuck you doctors and have my baby in my damn living room. 1st I had to transfer OB clinics (insurance reasons) well ONE of the offices kept losing my damn anatomy scan results. Either the old clinic wasn't faxing them over, or the new clinic was being fucking lazy and not looking for them, either way I was 23 weeks & them telling me I have to go for another anatomy scan bc they STILL don't have my results faxed in... So I had to take matters into my own damn hands & go to my old OB in person (after I called them TWICE to do this) & stand there to make sure they faxed the results over. New OB FINALLY got them yesterday IM ALREADY 28 weeks pregnant and NOBODY has gone over my results with me (so I'm assuming they're good?! They better fucking be) and I have fucking questions! After my new OB hammered me every appointment that they needed my anatomy scan results & they finally get them in yesterday (thanks to me) because I called to make sure they were in so they could discuss them w/me at my appointment today & answer my questions, well today I get a dude I've never seen before & asked him if my scans were in & if he could go over them with me & you know what he said?! They MAY OR MAY NOT BE IN... I'll call you later to let you know 😡😡😡😡 after every single midwife I saw there at my previous appointments said they NEED to look at my anatomy scan results, this dude had no fucking idea what was going on he was in a super rush but IDGAF all I want to hear is that my scans were fine & that my baby is healthy & I can't even fucking get that?! Does nobody give a damn?! My new clinic has never seen my anatomy scan results so for all they know there could be something wrong with my baby AND THEY DONT GIVE A DAMN !!!!! 😡😡😡