Am I the only one who thinks being a SAHM is super easy and awesome??

I used to see the great debate of SAHM vs WOHM... And I always rolled my eyes at the SAHMs who said it is so hard and just as hard as working. YEAH RIGHT!!! I worked for our whole 12 year marriage up until march when I had my youngest son. It was so hard!! Working 9-6 missing out on a lot of my kids activities, having them in daycare, it was a pain in my ass just to schedule a DRs appointment and beg for the time off. I would rush home at 6, immediately turn on the oven to pre heat, go start the laundry. Cook the food, find time to wash my own ass sometime before bed, homework, dishes, it was awful. Yes I got to get out of the house and I had my friends ( co-workers) to talk to but I'd much rather be with my kids. So now that I stay home..... I think its so EASY!!! I have a 6month old and I nanny a 14 month old girl. My other kids go to school for the day. Omg I love it. It is not that difficult! My spaghetti sauce is already been cooking for hours, I've watched two johnbennet documentaries. I took a two hour nap with the babies. My laundry is done. I mean yes I just washed my hair in the sink cuz it was greasy lol but so what!! Guess what I have to do tomorrow?? Umm not much. Get new pajamas on, and take care of babies💁 do some laundry, clean up the kitchen, eat junk food and watch a movie. So HANDS DOWN to all you working moms!!