Haven't felt baby today

Clarissa • Mama
I'm trying not to overreact or create any unnecessary stress so I'm hoping you guys could help give some reassurance.
I am 26 weeks and everything was finally going well aside from today I haven't felt my baby kick since about 9pm yesterday. My doctor's office closed 30 minutes ago and I'm able to call their on-call doctor if I need to, I'm just not sure if this is normal or not? I don't want to cry wolf or anything.
I have been feeling her almost consistently all day and night for the passed 4 weeks or so. My doctor has me doing kick counts for about two hours a day, but I usually reach the count in less than an hour. I know this is an issue that often comes up on this forum so I'm hoping someone out there could help bring me some peace of mind or solid advice.
Thanks in advance, ladies.