amazing labor and birth!

I never found the time to ever share my birth story so this is way late, but still fresh in my mind! My baby girl came on 5/18/16 at 38 weeks and 1 day. I wasn't really shocked because my whole pregnancy I said I felt like I would be a week or two before 40. So I went to pee at 445am and when I was done I stood up and my water broke. I never had any contractions and was super calm about it. Texted my boyfriend who works night shift and told him he should probably head home. Called my doctor and he said it sounded like she was going to come today but that I could wait to come into the hospital until around 8 or 9. So I did some work from home, had some breakfast and took a shower and then we got into the hospital around 830. The only thing I wasn't expecting was that after my water broke, I just kept leaking and it was such an uncomfortable feeling haha. So I got checked in right away and they checked me and I was 4cm so they started pitocin which brought on contractions. I was worried about getting an epidural too soon because I didn't want it to wear off. The contractions weren't horrible but they were starting to hurt a little so I went ahead and got the epidural at 10am and cried the whole time just because they made it such an intense procedure and it scared the shit out of me haha. I remember feeling great right away but then started feeling intense pressure like I had to pee. I thought it was from the catheter and it got so awful that I made the nurse take it out. Once I started feeling these extreme urges to pee a few minutes apart, it was me, not the nurse, which was a little annoying, that realized these were contractions. I think this was around 2pm and they said I was 7cm now. Everything started moving super fast. At one point they said I was 8cm and then I was crying because the pressure was literally coming like 30 seconds apart. My doctor was sure I wasn't going to have the baby until late that night or next morning. They checked again and I was 10cm so they said they would call the doctor and I was like nope, I feel like I need to push now. I remember crying and shaking a lot. Not because of being in pain, just because I'm a huge baby and was scared that I had no idea what I was doing haha. I pushed 6 times for 10 minutes and she was here! It was honestly an amazing experience. I hate that I felt such intense pressure through the epidural but I have to think it's better than feeling the contractions and better than being so numb you don't even know when to push. Sadie Killian Thompson was born at 4:43pm 7lbs 10oz and 20in. The doctors made sure to tell me they couldn't believe how fast she came and when we have the next baby, we should come to the hospital right away after my water breaks! Haha here she is when she was born and now at 4.5 months