First OB appointment...... unfortunate ending

Today was my first appointment with the OB/GYN, as well as my 10 week mark. 
Appt was going as usual when we came to the Doppler reading. Dr searched a bit and couldn't find anything, so on came the ultrasound! Yay, this will be first time seeing baby!! After looking with regular ultrasound she determined I might not be as far along as we thought. Trans v to the rescue. Well that kind of confirmed it wasn't as far along as believed, 7 wks 5 days. Okay that's cool, except no heartbeat. Fast forward one hour and I'm at the high risk office and they confirmed our worst fears. No heart beat and no growth for 2+ weeks. 
So now we wait for blood results and make a decision. Devasted, but being practical I know this wasn't meant to be. 😔
Until we meet again friends! 😔😔😔