SILs are the worst....

Lizy • Girl momma 🎀. Nurse.
So not too long after I told my family I was pregnant with my first my sister in law of course couldn't stand not having her and her kids have all the attention and got pregnant with their third. She told me they weren't planning on having another this year because of money. So when she said she was pregnant I was shocked. Flash forward to now. My due date is November 5th. Her due date isn't until the middle of February. Her mother decided to plan a little sprinkle party for her to get the things she needs for the baby and scheduled it for no other day than November 5th 🙄. I have NO idea why it has to be on that day or even in November for that matter. I just feel like she has to take any attention that I could possibly be getting and turn it toward her. 😔 I told her I wouldn't be there and she responded saying she just hopes my baby comes early then I can come. I just feel like she's being extremely selfish and have no one to actually talk to about this because I don't want to cause any problems!