There are much harder things than being a mother.

Being a step parent is much much harder. Especially when you're a better person and parent than the biological parent.

(Step son got hurt so his mother took him to hospital (twisted his knee) she couldn't take my step daughter, she can never take my step daughter when she takes my step son. She always has to drop my step daughter off but takes my step son everywhere)

It's pretty god damn sad and heartbreaking when your step daughter cries and says her mom doesn't want her.

And I have done and tried my best and still the child asks when her mom's coming, when she's getting picked up. Ridiculously the most frustrating thing ever. I'm just at a loss of this shit anymore. I'm good and tired.

The kids are brats when they've been with their rotten mother. No manners. No discipline. Makes it that much harder on me because my man works long hours and weekends. And I'm the one who watches them.

I just become one BIG ball of stress anymore when they are here.

-end of the rant from the bitching step mom