my birth story!

Catherine • Expecting a baby girl on September 25th, 2016💘💘 || Toronto, Canada
So on September 17, hubby & I went out for food with friends and jokingly said he was gonna induce me that night, lol! So after dinner, we went back home, watched a movie, and ended up having sex, about an hour into it, I had squirted (I normally do) but it had a weird consistency, almost like lotion? I didn't really think much of it at the time but as we continued he stopped, pulled out and said he felt a pop.  Now, I have a history of freaking out and rushing to the hospital so! That's exactly what I did, my boyfriend thinking I'm just over exaggerating, stupidly just packed his PS4 to go to the hospital ( it's about an hour away from him but, 5 minutes from my parents). We get to the hospital around 3 AM, September 18th, I get swabbed and just as I thought? My water broke, at this point I'm 2 cm dilated & was told to walk around the hospital! So I did.  From 3 AM-11Am I walked, and walked and walked.  I went back to L&D to get checked and I was now 2.5 CM, so, they now just put me in a room and started me on that drop to speed things up. Fast forward to 7pm that night, I'm only 3CM, still smiling, not feeling ANYTHING... they upped the drip...  two hours go by, I'm still 3Cm, they up it again, then the next hour, they upped it again... STILL no changes! At this point I'm thinking labour is a breeze, I feel great, I'm still smiling. Now, around 1:30 AM, a nurse comes in, tells me they are gonnna make sure my water fully broke... so as they stuck that big ass stick in me, they fully broke it...... now! Jesus I was feeling it, the minute they offered me an epidural, best believe!!!! I took that. Within half an hour, I went from 3-10cm & delievered my princess at 2:09AM, September 19th